How Creating a Schedule Could Improve College Student's Lives

 The Importance of Time Management

    Do you ever feel like you never have enough time to get everything done? What about pushing assignments back until the day it's due? For college students it is easy to get caught up in the social and academic challenges of university. It is of ever-growing importance that students learn and develop better time-management skills to help decrease stress in their lives.

    A study conducted by Dr. Najnin Khanam from SOA University reveals that a majority of college students lack sufficient knowledge on managing their time efficiently. In terms of academic performance, students with higher academic achievement were shown to have better time management. Whether it's simply creating a schedule or staying organized, managing one's time is essential for any college students' success.

Improving Time Management

    Getting rid of unwanted habits is not an easy task and some students might not want to put in the effort. By including small changes in their daily routine such as checklists or avoiding distractions, a student can slowly build up their time management skills to be successful. The following suggestions are just a few helpful tips on improving time management.

Create a Routine

    By creating a well-rounded routine, any uncertainty involving homework or study time are eliminated. Start the routine early in the semester to become better adjusted, and make sure to include some free time to destress. Along with creating a routine, setting a schedule that includes important dates can help to avoid any late submissions or missed deadlines.

Limit Potential Distractions

    Whether it's a short-term distraction such as a phone, or a bigger distraction such as an ineffective study space, limiting distractions is the key to staying focused. This could mean placing all electronic devices in another room or having to relocating to a new study area. Knowing how you work best can help improve focus along with time management and increase productivity.

The Pomodoro Technique

    By creating some sort of schedule, breaks can be planned to not interfere with other activities. When it hits the point of procrastination breaks can become detrimental. Using the Pomodoro Technique is the best way to combat this issue. The technique consists of working in 25-to-30-minute sprints with a 5-minute break in between each set. This helps to not only prevent long breaks but allows students to work for longer periods of time.

Tackle One Thing at a Time

    Although multitasking may seem beneficial, trying to juggle many tasks at once actually decreases a student's productivity. By focusing on one task at a time, a student can accomplish more and direct their attention to one assignment rather than multiple. This not only allows the student to better understand an assignment but allows for deeper comprehension in the long run.

What are your thoughts?

How do you think your time management skills are? Do you already do any of these tips? If not, do you see yourself using these tips in the future? Are there any other tips you use in your life that keep you on track?

Learn more here:

Time Management - A Case Study

A study on university student’s time management and academic achievement

11 Effective Time Management Tips for College Students

Mastering Time Management for College Students


  1. I really like how each topic was separated by visuals because it made it really easy to read and follow. The content was also really clear and concise while still staying informative.

    1. Hi Gevvie! I definitely do think that the visuals separate the blog well and make it easy to follow. I also tried to make the content as clear and easy to follow as possible so I'm glad you recognized that!

    2. I also think as a college student this was super helpful and I was able to relate it to my experience as well. I currently try to make and keep a routine because it allows me to do my work and allocate time without having to think about it too much. I think I do a pretty good job of allocating my time by using these techniques. However, I also do realize I should get more sleep than I currently do and I could solve that by improving my time management.

  2. The blog contained a lot of useful information that your readers will find valuable, as your audience is college students. I will be trying to implement some methods you talked about in my day-to-day life to increase productivity. Your headings were clear and concise, and none of your paragraphs were bulky. The breaking of different topics by using visual aid was well done, and the photos correlated with them.

    1. Hi Lucas! I'm glad that you are going to try to implement some of the methods mentioned into your daily life. For me personally, I only use a few of the techniques I mentioned on a daily basis, but they definitely help me increase my productivity.

  3. I really liked how the content was organized, it made it easy to follow and the visuals helped separate them, which I really liked. It gave me useful strategies as someone who doesn't always plan ahead.

    1. Hi Olivia! The visuals definitely do help split up the blog and make it easier to follow which is what I was aiming for. I'm glad that you found the strategies useful, and I hope you could implement them into your daily routine!

  4. I like how the paragraphs were concise, making it easily digestable for students. The Pomodoro Technique is something I use often, and it's information that will be useful for students. I like the four links to more information, in case students wanted a more scientific reasoning for time management.

    1. Hi Elsa! I use the Pomodoro Technique to study and do assignments as well. It has definitely helped me focus for longer periods of time and get more done during the day. I'm glad you like the links to access more information. I thought it would be useful for readers if they wanted to learn more about the methods mentioned in the blog.

  5. Your blog was easy to follow along with since the content was well organized. I thought that links at the end being in a readable format instead of just pasting them there was a good touch. I struggle with time-management myself and these tips are definitely helpful for keeping on track. The last tip about doing one thing at a time is very important since it can feel overwhelming otherwise.

  6. I think my time management skills are not good, so this blog post is really helpful! I currently try to limit distractions by going to the library. In the future, I will try to set a routine in order to push myself to get work done. I will also try to work on one thing at a time to stay more focused. I like your visual in this post because it shows rest as part of time management. I think that part is usually overlooked. Have you used any of these techniques?


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